Circulation & Readership
Reach school leaders across the state.
More than 17,000 administrators in California receive EdCal and Leadership magazine, ACSA’s member publications. In addition, surveys have reported a pass-along readership of more than 55,000 educators, including district, county office and school site staff. Other subscribers include businesses, university libraries, state leaders and education associations.
The school leaders who rely on information in our publications to serve students are the same people making purchasing decisions required for the operation of school systems, and they want the most current, effective solutions for K-12 education.
Who Our Readers Are
- Principals
- Co-administrators (vice/assistant principals)
- Superintendents of districts and county offices
- Assistant/deputy superintendents
- Business Services and Human Resources professionals
- Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education and Pupil Services administrators
- Student and retired administrators
- Associate members, including businesses and educational groups
- Professors of education
- Confidential and classified staff
- Teachers, educational consultants
- University libraries
What They Care About
- Students, first and foremost
- Solutions for schools
- Professional learning for themselves and their staff
- Career development
- Higher education and degree programs
- Publications and products that will help achieve student success
- Products and services that directly support what they do
- Lifelong learning

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