© 2024 Association of California School Administrators | www.acsa.org | Contact Us
First coffee, then EdCal, then everything else. Ed
Make your advertising dollars count. Display ads in EdCal are an affordable and effective way to promote your business.
EdCal, ACSA's weekly association newspaper, is sent to more than 17,000 members and subscribers in California, with an estimated pass-along readership of more than 55,000. Advertise your degree programs, school improvement methods, events, software, publications and more. Ads reach school administrators making millions of dollars in purchasing decisions every year.
Since 1971, EdCal has been highly valued by school leaders as their go-to publication for essential information, education news, legislative updates, professional learning opportunities and job openings across the state.
First coffee, then EdCal, then everything else. Ed

Please Note! EdCal print advertising rates will be increasing as of July 1, 2024. Download the new rate card for complete information.

Focusing on education news, EdCal's format is full color tabloid, folded and mailed, and complemented by a responsive and interactive digital edition.
Print ad sizes range from 2x2 up to full page, with rates based on size and color options. All print ads include a clickable digital version in the online edition.
Rates are $45‡ per column inch net for B&W, $57‡ per column inch net for color.*
*Rate does not apply to classified job listings. Visit careers.acsa.org/employers for current classified rates and options.
‡ Rates will be increasing as of July 1, 2024.

EdCal is published weekly with exceptions

Publication Calendar

Download the current calendar with publication dates and ad deadlines.

Rate Card

Download a detailed rate card.


Frequency and agency discounts available.
Request a sample issue of EdCal.
Open Rates
Please note: rates listed do not apply to job openings published in the CareerConnect section.
Want to place a classified job ad in EdCal? Visit our Career Center at careers.acsa.org/employers.
Black & White $45 per column inch net. See below for specific ad sizes and costs. ‡
$57 per column inch net. See below for specific ad sizes and costs. ‡
Back Page Ads Back page ads can be either full or 1/2-page, color or B&W. See costs below.
‡ Rates will be increasing as of July 1, 2024.
Ad Sizes A column inch is 14.6 picas (2.375 inches) wide by 1 inch deep. Display ads must be a minimum of 4 column inches total, and can be any increment of columns and whole inches up to full-page height (15.5”).
Width Dimensions 1 column . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.375 inches (14.6 picas) 2 columns . . . . . . . . . . . 5 inches (30 picas) 3 columns . . . . . . . . . . . 7.625 inches (46 picas) 4 columns . . . . . . . . . . . 10.25 inches (61.6 picas)
Deadlines and Non-publish Dates Display ad reservations & artwork are due by 12:00 p.m. PST on Monday for the following Monday’s EdCal.
EdCal is published weekly except for certain non-publish dates throughout the year. See the current publication calendar for a list of publish dates and deadlines.
Placement We do not guarantee page placement, with the exception of back page ads. See the rate card for full conditions, payment options and cancellation policy.
To place a display ad, contact Emily Agpoon at eagpoon@acsa.org or 916.329.3833.
Browse, search and filter print ad options below.